Summer To Do List

It’s that time of year again and I’ve started to look forward to summer and all the things I have to get done during my months off. This aspect of teaching is very misunderstood, as we generally put almost everything else in our lives off until summer and then have to maximize our time to get it all done. This includes doctor appointments, dentist appointments, orthodontist consults, house repairs, deep cleaning, organization, and everything else that lands on our plates.

Things around the house

  1. Put together second shelf for the basement. (It’s been sitting in a box for 6 months waiting)
  2. Get the bird’s nest out of the laundry room after I’ve made sure the clutch has flown.
  3. Pressure wash the area rugs
  4. Pressure wash eaves, driveway, path
  5. Finish staining the deck
  6. Make a stepping stone path for the backyard, making the stones recessed a bit so I can mow right over them
  7. Organize the basement storage (a huge problem right now because of all the new stuff down there from my parent’s office)
  8. Get the pegboard organization set up in my craft room
  9. Fix the tile in the basement

This seems like a lot and I am pretty sure not all of it will get done. But I will try.