In my day job, I am a veteran teacher. Education is something I know. In my second decade teaching at the middle school level, I share my insights about education, my frustrations about the current state of education, educational tips and tricks, and other things that I’ve learned through hard work in my chosen profession. I post things about my job and make educational downloads and resources related to my field.
Wikipedia defines education as:
Education is the transmission of knowledge, skills, and character traits and manifests in various forms. Formal education occurs within a structured institutional framework, such as public schools, following a curriculum.
Teaching is HARD, Y’all
Teaching is the hardest job in the world. I don’t think that’s an over-exaggeration. Especially in the US, where the system appears to be broken in many respects. Teachers have to work together against the forces rallied against us. Parents don’t trust us and don’t back us up in behavior management. Administration is often micro-managing us, and overloading us with work that we don’t get time to do at work. Teachers are expected to work after contract hours for free. In the South, we lack the ability to organize a powerful union to protect teacher rights. The US government actively undermines our efforts in an overt maneuver to privatize education, which would be a horrible step back, no, a fall down the ladder of progress our forefathers worked for.
All Things Education
This page is a gathering of all the education-related posts, downloads, and other tags related to teaching here on Fae’s Journal. You can use this page to navigate to any other page related to education on this site. Don’t miss out on the downloads, where I post free resources for teachers to use in the classroom.
I also post things related to education, and working within the system. The opinions expressed on Fae’s Journal are my own, this blog has no relation or connection to the school where I work, the district I work within, or any professional organization. These are my personal opinions.