Election 2024: Disappointed and Disillusioned
I don’t know if I’ll be able to accurately convey my complex array of emotions over the election in which 53% of white women voted against themselves and became the ultimate Pick-Me girls of 2024.
53% of White Women Voted Against THEMSELVES
Let that sink in. I get that the people who voted for Dump Truck Drumph voted to uphold white patriarchal values in which rich white men are the pinnacle and no one else matters. But white women, really. What the fuck?
Never associate me with one of those women
Everything that man stands for appalls me. He disgusts me. And the people who voted for him, well, I don’t even want to share a country with them.

Thanks to…
Thank you Black men and women who voted against the hate. Thank you Latina women who voted against hate. The cognitive dissonance of Latino men voting for Tr*ump baffles me. Absolutely confusing how that’s happened.
Fuck you to…
Everyone who voted for him. Don’t care if you’re family, “friends”, colleagues, or people I don’t know at all. You disgust me and I don’t want anything to do with you.
What now?
What happens to his criminal cases now? The man is a rapist, a felon, a grifter, a rasict, a fraud. He’ll throw out those cases as fast as he can.
What about the insurrectionists who should be in jail? They’ll be free.
What about LGBTQ+ protections? I’m legit afraid.
What about women’s rights? Fuck.
What about student loan repayment forgiveness? Ugh, fuck.
What about the country I grew up in? Done. Gone.
I am glad Athens is a liberal bubble. Sometimes I need to shelter myself from reality.