XS Dog Sweater for XS Sunny
The temperatures are cooling off here. Finally! As happy as I am about the colder temps for our walks, my toy fox terrier gets cold easily, and she’s a shiverer. When she shivers it’s so pitiful, I just can’t stand it. Yesterday the temperature was in the glorious low 50s for our morning walk and I was there for it. But Sunny stepped one paw outside and was like ‘Oh hell no’ to that cold nonsense. I decided to make a dog sweater for her pronto. And since she’s a dainty girl, it’s an xs dog sweater.
Free Pattern!
The design I settled on is an extremely simple yet cute pattern that comes from Stitch11.com. A free crochet dog sweater pattern? Thank you, Stich11!
Two patterns are available in different sizes: the size XS dog sweater and a size S dog sweater. As written, the finished sweater measures about 12 inches from top to bottom. The neckline is about 9 inches in diameter so you can easily get it over your pup’s head. My dog is 6.5 lbs and I had to size down slightly to make the fit as snug as I wanted it. However, the designer indicates that the sweater is designed for dogs 5-10 lbs.
XS Dog Sweater
And the finished product? Et Voilà!

I sized down by casting on 32 and then increased to 36, then up to 38 for the main body once I joined the sides. The pattern is easy to customize. I needed to do that because Sunny has a tiny rump but a larger trunk. Most dog clothing fits her weirdly. So I was happy I could make her something myself instead of spending a ton on sweaters from the store that might not fit her well.
Amazon Came Through

Before I decided to crochet Sunny’s dog sweater, I bought this XS dog sweater from Amazon. (Full disclosure this is an affiliate link.) I love how it looks like a turtleneck and that it has a leash clip! It looks like it could be pulled out fairly easily so I will be careful using the leash clip.
However, even though I have a Prime subscription, the sweater won’t arrive until Thursday. With Georgia’s weather, we might be back in the 90s. So I pivoted and made the crochet dog sweater, which I like better, to be honest.
Crocheting is so wonderful, isn’t it? If I had cast on a dog sweater to knit I’d still have a mountain of stitches to go. Crochet comes together much more efficiently. I just love it! I crochet and post about it pretty often, and also post about my dog from time to time in other areas of my blog.