No Man’s Sky Update: Worlds Part 1 5.05
Update Patch 5.05: 8/19/24
I’ve been playing No Man’s Sky a lot lately, and I just got notice of an update that was ready to install. Patch 5.05 is out today on Steam and other consoles and it fixes a bunch of stuff that has been sort of buggy since Worlds Part I launched back in early July.
No Man’s Sky Worlds Part I
Worlds Part I is a huge, huge update to No Man’s Sky. Oceans have waves and reflections, and planets have wind patterns. On the surface of the planet, there is weather and storms. Everything interacts so it makes it more immersive than ever before.
Worlds Part I has been massively fun to play since it launched. I am glad to see some of the bugs being worked through. Over the weekend, for example, my game crashed every time there was a storm on a planet, which is fairly often on some planets, so it frustrated me to no end to have to reload so often. oit did not stop me from playing, though.
I can’t wait to see what they have in store for Worlds Part II!
Hello Games is INCREDIBLE
I have played No Man’s Sky since launch and this game is so incredible, I hope Hello Games knows how loved they are for their stellar track record for updating their game with endlessly fun things for FREE. It’s truly amazing.
I have posted about No Man’s Sky before, and I might do it again. Keep these amazing updates coming and I’ll make another post about how much I love this game. Okay, off to my 600+ hour save to explore the universe, bye.