Review of The Sweetheart Quest by Jacy Braegan
The Sweetheart Quest by Jacy Braegan | My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I found this installation of the Sweetheart Escapes series a bit underwhelming. The characters don’t communicate realistically, there’s not a lot of build up or hints to the big reveal and it just seemed too forced and rushed. The characters didn’t have a lot of chemistry despite the fact that on paper they seemed like they’d be perfect for one another. But their actual face to face conversations weren’t compelling.
Chemistry? What Chemistry?
I don’t remember reading a part where Trevor talks about being a virgin with Rhodes but he didn’t react at all when Trevor finally mentioned it. Maybe I missed something. But the two characters just didn’t seem to even like each other. I get that the author was trying to show how awkward Trevor is but it ended up just being awkward in general. Probably not what the author intended there. And then they jumped to saying they love each other right away.. it just didn’t strike me as even adjacent to reality.
I *wanted* to like this one more because I LOVE stories where people crush on one another online and then meet in person. I love stories where the characters are gaming buddies. But this one fell flat and I wished I had liked it more. I would read another story from the author though to see if this was just a fluke.
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